August 22, 2006


Here are a few shots from a trip I took downtown the other day to gawk at buildings. I've managed to restrain myself from spending all my time on educational outings, but the friends I made in Wicker Park, fun as they are, were adverse to having their photos taken, so the AV here will remain free of the human image. If I were a tourist in San Francisco, my photos would be quite the opposite.

Another strange thing about the bars here is that they never really close - they just gradually fill up with smoke until it becomes unbearable and you wander out into the early morning light.

These first four are from the Chicago Cultural Center, which was originally the library. The Tiffany dome is either the largest one in the world or the most expensive, or contains the most pieces - I can't remember. In any case, the building is exquisite and the mosaics sparkle like Jessica Rabbit.

This here is the water tower, or rather, some of it. Along with the pumping station next door, it's one of the two buildings to survive the great fire of 1871, or as I've seen it on plaques everywhere, the "conflagration." Say it out loud with me: conflagration. squee.

Millennium Park: odd fountains full of screaming children, ultra-modern bandstand, and of course, three views of the Bean:

No rambling text on the importance of Sullivan and Burnham's contribution to the city's design today.

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At 8/22/2006 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The unveiling of the Bean and Millenium Park was the first major change to Chicago to happen after I moved away in 2004. They opened two months after I moved to SF and at the time it killed me. Here I was, not two months away from my home, and something major had already happened without me.

I knew this would happen, but so soon?

Hey, wasn't the millenium in 2000? (or 2001, depending on who you ask?)

At 8/22/2006 3:19 PM, Blogger Leah said...

You know how the timing works. The coastal cities set the fashions, and then the midwest catches on to them several years later.

It's science!

At 8/28/2006 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And once again i find myself going like this >.< at the modern art *sigh* mebe its one of those things you actually have to interact with! The bean...sorta looks cool actually if i can imagine walking up to it and imagining it is a coffee bean and that it just might turn into the worlds best and largest cuppa. (roz)


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