April 17, 2007

Daniel vs the Evil Puppet Show

Thanks to my compulsively exclusive reading habits that demand books that are considered "classic" by some standard (sometimes canon, often not), I read most of my contemporary fiction in short form, in Harper's and The New Yorker, instead of buying new novels. After a few years of this habit, I've come to recognize certain short-fiction trends: there's the standard "I'm so very wealthy, but adult life has turned out to be disappointing" (requires a narrator sipping wine in a million-dollar Upper East-or-West Side Manhattan apartment). And who could overlook, "dear GOD look how exotic I am!" (war, expats, misogny)

I think those of us benighted individuals in the small minority of humanity who do not live within a couple of blocks of Central Park or have not emerged from darkest Peru might better associate with my favorite writing professor's theme of choice, "It was an okay job. It paid the rent." This theme naturally begins with said statement, only to show the beleaguered protagonist paid minimum wage for the most horrifying line of work the writer can come up with. I can't think of any examples at the moment - I didn't start subscribing until shortly afterward, when "I have two homelands and can't come to terms with my own duality" came into fashion.

But let me tell you about Daniel.

Daniel has an okay job. It pays the rent. Or rather, no, no, that's not right at ALL. Daniel is living that New Yorker story so hard it's crossed the line into "This American Life" territory. Enjoy, if you will, the story of one man's descent into learning the hard way why the rest of us just give up and work soul-crushing temp jobs.

For the very first "Where I Was From" blog crossover, I give you the music, and MAGIC, of the Wizard of Oz.

Chapter One: If I Only Had the Nerve
Chapter Two: "I Can Feel It Breaking"
Chapter Three: F*** your mother, Dorothy
Chapter Four: Don't Come Looking
Interlude: Jeepers
Chapter Five: Our Best Show Yet!

Stay tuned to Daniel's blog for the exciting conclusion. He doesn't disappoint - somebody usually ends up in hospital.

(For evidence of the horror - the horror, click here.)



At 4/17/2007 7:29 PM, Blogger Kibblesmith said...

Not bad, who owns the film rights?


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