April 06, 2007

Why your taste in pop culture disturbs me.

Am I talking crazy here, or does every mainstream movie that's out right now consist of two solid hours of torture and/or slaughter? There's the one about Biblical plagues, Luke Wilson getting stalked in a motel, 300, and whatever b.s. Tarantino's releasing. I know I sound like your religious grandmother when I start in about movie violence (and increasingly less so if allowed to continue that train of thought to protest that we should replace all the violence with sex), but I am so bewildered when I see movie previews on TV. What has to be wrong with a person's brain to make them find Quentin Tarantino films watchable?

People are out there getting tortured by our government in places like Guantanamo - real live people - and everybody's still sitting around enjoying "24". When does the violence cease to be real and become entertaining? For me, that point occurs when the orcs show up or the little girl's ghost crawls out of the well. In the current crop of blockbusters and on "24," it seems to happen right when the previews end or you switch on the TV. "Art" imitating life a little too closely.

I start to wonder if people who like these movies would stand by and be amused if they saw me getting stabbed on the street.

Not that a girl with an AK-47 for a leg is at all realistic. I'm just saying.


At 4/09/2007 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you 100% on this one! And might I add, on a personal note, that people in movies who do stupid things involving guns never go to prison?! The cops and judges and everyone just sort of laugh it off, because the scamp is so darn likeable. I'M likeable! WTF?!
(oh, and Pat called me a loser for not thinking 300 was "the greatest movie EVER". ha ha. Even the sex scene in that movie was boring.)


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