July 25, 2007


Oh thank Christ. Or rather, thank Governer Blagojevich. This is probably only still news to my coastal buddies who've never had to deal with the horror of being constantly forced to breathe cigarette smoke every time you attempt to have a normal social life. But Illinois' statewide smoking ban finally got signed on Monday. Come New Year's Day, we're going smoke free.

People are bitching about this right and left but I have yet to hear a single compelling argument in favor of allowing smoking in public places. I guess people who haven't lived in a normal place where smoking is long-banned don't understand that it's not that big of a deal. If you smoke, the bars and clubs will still want your business. Lots of places in SF had designated smoking rooms or patios. I've heard a lot of people talk like the entire city's economy is going to shut down and all the bars will go out of business if people can't smoke in them. Right, just like night life in Los Angeles, New York, London, and San Francisco has shut down. So you'll have to step outside for a minute if you want to smoke. A simple gesture that will save lives. Then you're right back inside with us sane people. You get your fix, we are finally allowed the CHOICE to abstain. And the world somehow continues turning.

It's just not fair to let anyone force a filthy addiction on the people around them.

80% of the adult population doesn't smoke. EIGHTY. How this vast majority was dominated by the disgusting behavior of the other 20% for so long is a mystery to me, but it's not going to be an issue for much longer.


At 7/26/2007 2:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

A lot of bars were worried about losing busness. Ends up that just isn't true... unless you are a jazz club. Apparently, across cities that ban smoking, there is a 20% drop in attendance in jazz clubs, and jazz clubs alone. Weird.

I will enjoy not having smokey hair when I wake up from being out. That smell combined with a hangover especially = not good!

At 7/26/2007 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7/28/2007 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

woo hoo! i can come to Chicago!


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