April 18, 2007

Standing on the side of life

I feel a need to preface this little outburst with the warning that I tend to overreact a touch when women's rights are threatened.

Ready? Commence the yelling.

First, I'd just like to say, John McCain? You scare me.

Here's his reaction to the Supreme Court's new victory against women's rights:

"I'm very happy about the decision given my position on abortion. Partial birth is one of the most odious aspects of abortion," Arizona Sen. John McCain said while campaigning in South Carolina.

In a separate statement issued by his campaign, McCain said, "It is critically important that our party continues to stand on the side of life."

Now here's how he reacted to Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech:

LAREDO, Texas -- Sen. John McCain said Monday the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech does not change his view that the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to carry a weapon.

Wait, what? I thought he said he valued "life."

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In case you haven't yet heard what the Supreme Court has been up to today, here's a link to the anti-choice ruling they made, which opens the gate for a great many future restrictions on women's rights.

I couldn't help myself. Here's an open letter to the Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of this decision.

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Thank you for making this tough moral decision for us women so we don't have to break any nails or risk fits of hysteria as we worry about managing our own bodies. Kudos to you for going against the well-being of those thoughtless mothers who would terminate their pregnancies. You care only about the welfare of those innocent children. You must love them very much.

Naturally, I'm assuming you intend to raise all those whose births you fight so hard to ensure. Let's face it, that fourteen-year-old rape victim who wants to abort the child her father conceived on her isn't going to shell out for diapers and tuition. She doesn't have, say, a judge's salary to work with. But you do! And you LOVE babies!

Please put me on your Christmas list. I'd love to see a photo of your big, colorful adoptive family as it grows. Do also let me know if you prefer UPS or DHL, as I intend to mail you my (sorry, sorry, your) uterus. I'm not doing anything with it right now, so you might as well put it to use for yourself.



Said Eve Gartner of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America: "This ruling flies in the face of 30 years of Supreme Court precedent and the best interest of women's health and safety. ... This ruling tells women that politicians, not doctors, will make their health care decisions for them."
-Mark Sherman, AP



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