September 08, 2006

New York City

I suppose I should spill some deets about New York. But New York moves too fast for blogging. Too fast, sez I! I arrived on Tuesday at LaGuardia and naturally fell into a state of overwhelmed confusion for a couple of days before I adjusted to the pace of the city. No bean fields here, that's for sure. I'm now a bit uncertain about the state of air travel in this modern age of ours, as the first suitcase to arrive on the luggage carousel was actually somebody's keychain. Huh.

Predictably enough, my first interaction with a New Yorker consisted of a cabbie yelling at me with the insistence that the freeway exit I needed didn't exist. Ah, stereotypes.

I've been all over the place already. Today Lori and I walked across the Queensborough Bridge to wander around Central Park, bought our weight in Jelly Beans, nearly took a rowboat out on the crystal, um, green water, saw the Dada exhibit at the MoMA, and now we're getting ready to rock out in Williamsburg. There will be dancing and mayhem.

Yesterday was my historical walking tour day, when I hung out with a guy I knew in high school and hadn't seen since way back when. Quite the time warp.

We're listening to Sinatra and "New York, New York" just came on. I should get back out there.

New York, I like ya.



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