January 10, 2007

Hey who knows how to neuter a cat? Wanna hang out?


They will get you.

Oh god: animals.

So yesterday, we realized that our guest cats' owner secretly hates her cats. She just couldn't be bothered to take the younger guy in to be neutered, and now he is persistently humping the older (male) cat and spraying on anything upholstered he can get at. Now we have the fun task of keeping him locked up in the kitchen howling for two weeks, and instead of meowing at us to be let in to the kitchen to use the litter box, the other cat went ahead and peed on my roommate's nice dress. Awesome.

In an unrelated incident, my friend's cat attacked me out of nowhere last night, and cut pretty deep into my leg, drawing blood. There must have been fur on my kneesocks from Captain Twoballs over here.

I curled up under my reading blanket when I got home and while I was distracted by my book, that little bastard jumped up and sprayed on the blanket.

Laundry party today, and then when I go outside, I'm pretty sure a bobcat or a cougar or something will leap out of a tree and eat my face.

I am so cranky right now, you could clamp cables to me and I'd jumpstart your car battery.


At 1/10/2007 3:00 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Is there such thing as a cat whisperer? Maybe you should get one of those.

Or a tranquilizer gun. That might work just as well.

At 1/10/2007 6:02 PM, Blogger Leah said...

I haven't yet given up on my technique of yelling and cursing.

Soon though.


At 1/11/2007 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah... wait, so did a bobcat jump out at you yesterday? Just want to make sure I didn't miss anything.

So far, the recommendations I've recieved on our "problem" are as follows
- Keep him locked up in the kitchen
- Keep him high on Katnip
- a pair of scissors and bandaids. LOTS of bandaids.

Thus far, the 1st suggestion is the best.

At 1/25/2007 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hate to be an alarmist but melina k. told me last week that her friends has been in the hospital with a cat bite infection-take care of that leg-those cats need relocating!


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