January 28, 2007

Uncommon Entertainment

Dear Friends,

I know most of you have better taste in movies, but as for myself, I am a Werner Herzog fan. The Reader's giving away tickets to a Herzog festival happening throughout February and it would be keen if you entered the giveaway so we (okay, so I) might have an infinitesimally better chance at winning.

What do you say?

In other news, some of us went to see the Belmont Burlesque last night and had a blast. I'm so glad that such an archaic tradition is alive and flourishing in Chicago right now. I've heard about a lot of so-called "burlesque" shows out there that consist of hideous half-naked goth girls spanking each other, but that ain't burlesque, that's just kind of gross. The Belmont show is an actual variety show with a comedian, magician, and a singing mc...in addition to the lovely ladies who do tasteful stripteases and fan dances. I told you the 20s never really ended.

To round out tonight's media blitz, I'd like to express my unwavering awe at the new Menomena album that just came out last week on Barsuk. I've been pushing this band on just about everyone I've come across since their first album (packaged in a flip book) landed on my desk at the ol' newspaper office in '04. They've really outdone themselves this time. If you like TV on the Radio, Sunset Rubdown/Wolf Parade, or anything with powerful layers of orchestration, you will love this. I'm also glad I ordered a physical copy of this one because dreamy Craig Thompson (who wrote the graphic novel Blankets) drew the album art, and the front insert acts with the disc as a kind of decoder ring. It's breathtaking. When I gave it a first spin, I had to sit still and listen without doing anything else. I can't remember being that absorbed in a CD since the first time I listened to Funeral.

So, I guess I'll see you at the Empty Bottle on March 20th, when our socks get rocked off. San Francisco, they will attend to you on March 9th, and Los Angeles, your turn is March 10th.



At 2/09/2007 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! Menomena is coming! Yay.


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