January 24, 2007


They just don't hand it out to you here like they do in San Francisco. And it's always subtle, so you have to pay close attention. Both of these factors lend weirdspotting in Chicago a superior payoff.

There were the odd lawn ornaments in my neighborhood: a stained glass panel depicting a collie displayed on the snowy grass in one yard, a grilled chicken breast in another.

An attorney's plaque designating the offices of Bullwinkel and associates.

And I suppose I made my own contribution by changing my shoes in front of a dour-faced suit in that office building elevator. What can I say. I have no idea where people make the transition from winterwear to office attire here. It's like they jump into a phone booth and come out looking fabulous, with their coats and boots magically absent.



At 1/29/2007 12:15 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Um, and why don't you have any pictures of these occurances?

I'm a visual guy, Leah. I need pictures.

At 1/29/2007 12:52 PM, Blogger Leah said...

What can I say. I'm a lazy, lazy girl. I haven't posted pictures regularly since September.


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