February 26, 2007

I thought it was RABBIT SEASON

Anybody else notice those creepy dating site ads that pop up when you sign out of Myspace?


I know that when guys sign out of the site, they get an ad with nubile young girls pictured rather than that blond guy with the teeth. You know what I'm talking about. Surfer Busey. I would like to see the two versions of the ads side by side with duelling speech bubbles: "BOYFRIEND SEASON!" quoth she. "GIRLFRIEND SEASON!" quoth he.

Do what you need to do, kids, but please gawd don't shoot my boyfriend. He doesn't really deserve to die. I mean, dudesly in the ad looks like he's got a few things to live for, too. Let's none of us commit any murders of boyfriends or girlfriends at the behest of Myspace advertisements.

February 23, 2007

Cephalopod Update

This morning I had a dream that I was the Arcade Fire's tour manager and we only played funerals. But that's beside the point since it's time for the


This story comes from the BBC:

NZ fishermen land colossal squid

New Zealand fishermen have caught what is expected to be a world-record-breaking colossal squid.
Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton said the squid, weighing an estimated 450kg (990lb),took two hours to land in Antarctic waters.

Local news said the Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni was about 10m (33ft) long, and was the first adult colossal squid landed intact.

One expert said calamari rings made from it would be like tractor tyres.

"I can assure you that this is going to draw phenomenal interest. It is truly amazing," Steve O'Shea from Auckland's University of Technology told local media.

Colossal squid, which are found deep in Antarctic waters, are thought to be about the same length as giant squid (Architeutis dux ) but are much heavier.

The species was first identified in 1925, but very few specimens have been found.

The first specimen recovered intact, a 150kg (330lb) immature female, was caught on the surface in the Ross Sea near the Antarctic coast in April 2003.

'Nearly dead'

Mr Anderton said the fishermen had been fishing for Patagonian toothfish in deep Antarctic waters when the squid - which was eating a toothfish - was caught.

"The squid was almost dead when it reached the surface, and the careful work of the crew was paramount in getting this specimen aboard in good condition," he said.

The squid was frozen in the ship's hull and brought back to New Zealand for scientific examination.

"The colossal squid has just arrived in New Zealand and it is likely that it is the first intact adult male colossal squid to ever be successfully landed," Mr Anderton said.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/02/22 08:21:59 GMT


Check it out:

For more on these ridiculous creatures, visit this here link.


February 20, 2007

Laissez les bon temps rouler

When I lived in New Orleans one of my favorite sights was the trees lining St. Charles Street. For weeks after Mardi Gras, they were heavily draped with throw beads from parade float-riders with poor aim. They looked enchanted, like rainbow-colored trees from a cartoon. You'd almost expect them to jingle when the wind passed through their branches.


February 18, 2007

The neighbors' roof


February 13, 2007

Spam subject line of the week

"Go as Data"

For the last time, I can't: the party theme is robots, NOT androids.

There's a blizzard going on out there, California. I might take pictures eventually but I'm not sure you'd believe me. Would you believe that the cars parked along the street are buried up to their windows in some spots, yet life continues as usual?

Because I don't think you will.

February 10, 2007

Snow Day

Hey ho, it's February! The windchill's wavering between five above and fifteen below zero, I've gone through a cauldron's worth of stew, and I'm actually doing needlepoint in the evenings. Am I beat by this weather?

Oh hell no.

Yesterday I convinced someone to hang out at the lake with me so I could finally sate my curiousity to see what exactly happens to a large body of water in this weather. There's a yacht club somewhat inland that had frozen almost entirely over. We wandered around the abandoned zoo and found some surprisingly content camels in the snow, and saw real icebergs in the polar bear's cove (sadly, he didn't jump on them, but went inside instead. I am now officially tougher than a polar bear). I even made friends with a monkey.

A grand day out.

Photos are posted here.


February 08, 2007

Skeleton hug

This one's in honor of Valentine's Day...


February 06, 2007

Seriously, though.

The new Menomena album is still streaming in its entirety on the Barsuk site here, but I heavily recommend picking up the physical album so you can see the artwork and listen to it day and night with your mouth agape.


February 04, 2007

Come on-a My House

Of course, if you know anything about folklore, if you disobey this rule, they will have power over you, and the museum staff would be pretty pissed off about it, too.